"Airplane 101","Super Entendere" ,"200","600"
Will return 2 columns whereas:
"Airplane 101","Super Entendere","200","600"
Will return the correct number of columns, 4.
Common pitfalls and tips in Cognos Datamanager are explained in minimal detail only as an assist to other programmers.
"Airplane 101","Super Entendere" ,"200","600"
"Airplane 101","Super Entendere","200","600"
// when you test this be sure to define the correct types
$tb_list :=
'301' &
'302' &
'121' &
'131' &
'132' &
'133' &
'134' &
'135' &
'136' &
'137' &
'230' ; // type array
$tb_index := 1 ; // type integer
WHILE ( $tb_index <= ArraySize($tb_list)) DO
$tb_this := ArrayItem($tb_list,$tb_index) ; // type char(10)
logApollo(concat('Processing ',$tb_this)) ; // this logs and does a dos echo
$tb_index := $tb_index + 1 ;
// use this to debug output
delay(1) ;
// use this to debug output
delay(10) ;
-- list_dm_elements.sql
-- works with SQL Server repository
SELECT [component_type]
WHEN component_type = 'J' THEN 'Jobstream'
WHEN component_type = 'B' THEN 'Fact Build'
WHEN component_type = 'S' THEN 'Dim Build'
WHEN component_type = 'D' THEN 'Dimension'
WHEN component_type = 'H' THEN 'Dim Hierarchy'
WHEN component_type = 'L' THEN 'Dim Lookup'
WHEN component_type = 'T' THEN 'Template'
WHEN component_type = 'A' THEN 'Data Source'
WHEN component_type = 'F' THEN 'Function'
WHEN component_type = 'K' THEN 'Metadata Dim'
WHEN component_type = 'J' THEN 'Metatdata Collection'
WHEN component_type = 'N' THEN 'Name of Environment'
WHEN component_type = 'P' THEN 'Preferences'
WHEN component_type = 'R' THEN 'Folder'
ELSE '???????????'
END AS component_description
FROM [dmcatalog].[dmcuser].[dsb_component]
ORDER BY component_type, component_name